Facial rejuvenation: the most effective treatments

We will tell you about the most effective equipment, injections and mechanical procedures for facial rejuvenation for all ages: when to do, what to do and why to do it.

General indications for anti-aging treatments

It is a mistake to believe that renewal procedures are required when the patient's condition is no longer satisfactory. There is an important law in non-surgical cosmetology: it is always easier and cheaper to prevent than to fix. No need to wait for deep wrinkles and dry skin. In addition to these obvious symptoms, indications for anti-aging treatments are:

  • first wrinkles;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles or a predisposition to them (active facial expressions);
  • skin pallor;
  • uneven complexion;
  • dryness and redness;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • swelling.
Consulting a cosmetologist on the types of anti-aging procedures

Types of modern anti-aging facial treatments

Facial rejuvenation procedures are divided into device, injection and mechanical (manual). They can be divided into four groups according to the method of influence.

  1. Nutrients - supply missing nutrients
  2. Stimulating renewal - start the process of cell regeneration
  3. Supportive - prevents the formation of wrinkles
  4. Corrective - give visual enhancement by changing volumes and tightening

Modern techniques and preparations combine several drops at once in one procedure: fillers based on hyaluronic acid simultaneously fill volumes and hydrate; soft skin not only rejuvenates and smoothes, but also nourishes. The beauty industry offers a wide range of safe and highly effective treatments to maintain a youthful and healthy face.


Peelings are performed to rejuvenate facial skin, to eliminate visible defects (scars, scars and post-acne), improve turgor and permeability, clean impurities, narrow pores and reduce pigmentation.

Some peels are non-invasive cosmetic procedures with complex effects and are suitable for people with sensitive epidermis. Unlike other average peels, they do not require a healing period.

Ultrasonic and combined facial skin are just as effective and safe.

Peeling for facial rejuvenation

Microcurrent therapy

This is a procedure based on the effect on the skin of a device that delivers weak current pulses. It resembles a massage and improves metabolic processes in tissues, eliminates swelling, softens fine wrinkles, makes skin smoother and more hydrated, and also enhances the effect of cosmetics due to their penetration into the deep layers of the dermis.

Laser rejuvenation

Laser peeling is an acne removal performed with a laser (non-surgical method). The surface layer of facial skin is removed using a laser, which triggers the regeneration processes. After the recovery period, wrinkles soften, scars, age spots, scars are minimized, pores narrow, skin becomes more youthful and radiant.

Laser facial skin rejuvenation procedure

Botulinum therapy

Correction of non-surgical injections to prevent mimic wrinkles with proven effectiveness. For its application, botulinum toxin A is used, which spasms muscle tissues, due to which they soften and calm down. Injection correction is completely safe, atraumatic and has a good anti-aging effect. The result of botulinum therapy is the improvement of the facial ovary, the smoothing of wrinkles in the area of the nasolabial triangle and the forehead, and the elimination of skin laziness.

Botulinum therapy - injection procedure for facial skin rejuvenation


Injections using drugs, the main ingredient of which is hyaluronic acid. The procedure is performed to eliminate cosmetic defects and prevent age-related changes.

The result of biorevitalization is the improvement of metabolic processes in the epidermis, the smoothing of wrinkles, the smooth, elastic and radiant skin of the face.

A group in a syringe of a preparation with hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization


A popular procedure that renews itself without the use of foreign injections, using the patient's own plasma to activate regenerative processes in the body.

As a result of plasmolifting, facial skin becomes more elastic and hydrated, defects such as after acne, pigmentation, small scars are minimized and fine wrinkles and acne are eliminated.

Plasma filling

An innovative method that allows you to correct various cosmetic defects of facial skin, improving its relief and appearance. The result of the procedure is the elimination of deep wrinkles, giving the skin a glowing and lifting effect.

The main advantage of the procedure is that the thick plasma of the patient without external components is used as a filler. The plasma-based gel contains a whole complex of beneficial substances that cause the skin to naturally regenerate and rejuvenate due to its body reserves.

Plasmofilling - a rejuvenation injection procedure using the patient's plasma

Contour plastics

A procedure that allows you to quickly and safely improve your appearance. Hyaluronic acid-based gel fillers fill in the gaps and fill in the volumes, allowing you to simulate the shape of the face and the shape of the lips, chin, nose and cheekbones.

An important advantage of "beauty injections" is that thanks to the useful composition of the filler, occurs not only visual but also real rejuvenation - the condition of the skin is significantly improved.

Where to start: effective treatments after 30-35 years

With proper care, age-related changes begin to appear on the face no earlier than 30 years. To slow down aging at this age, it is necessary to regularly renew and nourish the skin from within - surface creams and serums are no longer enough.

  • Update. From the age of 25-30, regular deep skin cleansing with the help of chemical peeling is recommended. Removal of the stratum corneum stimulates epidermal renewal. As a result, the face is leveled, fine wrinkles disappear.
  • Nutrition.By the age of 35, you should also think about hydrating and deeply nourishing the skin. A course of 2-4 mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedures every six months will help maintain the skin's natural youth and elasticity for longer.
  • A warning.Patients with active facial expressions should not delay botulinum therapy to avoid the appearance of deep facial wrinkles. We saw the first folds - secure the area by reducing the force of active muscle contraction.
Deep cleansing of facial skin - a necessary procedure since the age of 30 years

Intensive support: effective treatments after 40 years

After 40 years, it becomes clear the difference between a person who has cared for the last 10 years and a person who has grown up without the intervention of cosmetology. At this age, it is no longer enough to just nourish the skin with procedures once. Deep wrinkles and reduced elasticity require complex and regular measures.

  • Rise.A noticeable result is given by the injection equipment and procedures with a lifting effect in combination with the contour plastic with the filler. The need for regular botulinum therapy is also increasing, as expression lines on aged skin appear faster.
  • Added food.Vitamin cocktail injections after the age of 40 are recommended to be performed in courses of 4-6 procedures, so aged skin needs more nourishment.
  • Restart, start again.With age, cell regeneration processes slow down, but they can be dispersed with the help of device exposure and injections. Microcurrent therapy and plasma elevation stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin youth and elasticity.
Hardware techniques will help rejuvenate facial skin after the age of 40

Rehabilitation of the missing: effective procedure after 50 years

Facial rejuvenation without surgery is available at any age. The only difference is in the intensity of the exposure to the skin.

  • In-depth update.After 50 years, the result after chemical peeling is not so noticeable, but laser peeling gives an excellent result. The laser rejuvenation procedure allows you to completely rejuvenate the upper layer of the skin and begin the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Refill volumes.Thin lips, bags under the eyes, sunken cheeks, pronounced nasolabial folds, double chin - all these signs of aging can be removed without surgery by adding volume to the right places using contouring plastic. Fillers fill in large wrinkles and folds, model the oval of the face. By replenishing the volume, the skin tightens significantly.
  • Power x2.Mesotherapy, plasma elevation and biorevitalization are still important after 50 years. To get a consistent result, the procedures are performed at a shorter interval and at least 8 times in the course.
Preparing facial skin for deep rejuvenation, which is necessary from the age of 50